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Sonoma County Stanford Club Spring Conference

Event Details

Sat, May 02, 2015
12:30PM - 04:30PM
Fountaingrove Golf & Athletic Club
1525 Fountaingrove Pkwy, Santa Rosa CA 95403
Map address
Registration Period:
Registration: $40/person: Stanford Alumni & Your Invited Guests
Mr. David Malcolm Rogers

Islamic Terrorism: No Safe Haven?
What We Need To Know & Do About Radical Islam

The United States and the world at large are entering an era of persistent conflict with Islamist movements.  These terrorist networks have taken root in the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa.  Moreover, they threaten to spread elsewhere. Their blend of religiously sanctioned violence, victimization, revenge, and political as well as personal fulfillment present a potent ideology.  Addressing their brutal actions has resulted in a cost-imposing strategy, in which America and other states are forced to react with treasury-draining and personnel-absorbing defenses. Countering the Islamist threat requires new and re-assessed tactics for this protracted struggle.

Thomas H. Henriksen is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, where he focuses on American foreign policy, international political affairs, and insurgencies. He specializes in the study of US diplomatic and military courses of action toward terrorist havens in the non-Western world and toward rogue regimes.

Henriksen's most recent volume, America and the Rogue States, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2012. It analyzes Washington’s interactions with Iran, North Korea, and other rogue nations since the Cold War

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