Privacy Policy
Stanford University is committed to securing the accuracy and privacy of your information. The university’s privacy policy can be found here:
This Stanford site has password-protected, secure areas that enable constituents to connect. Your personal information may be used to provide you with information about Stanford activities and may be shared with other Stanford offices and departments for University-related business. Except as described in this policy, the information on this site will not be used for commercial or philanthropic purposes.
Stanford has a small number of affinity sponsors, such as banks and insurance companies, which offer special promotions for Stanford alumni. We carefully screen these sponsors and believe that they provide value to the Stanford community. To facilitate periodic direct mail, we do provide alumni information (i.e., name, mailing address) on a one-time use only basis to third-party mail houses. We never share your personal information directly with a sponsor.
When a constituent subscribes to an email list or provides an email address for other purposes, their email address is recorded. That address is used for sending out future mailings via email. That address may also be used for general Stanford announcements.
Stanford University reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. E-mail, or call toll-free within the United States (866)543-0243 or (650)724-0627 internationally.