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The Quarter-Life Breakthrough: How Millennials Can Find Meaningful Work

Event Details

Thu, March 26, 2015
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Impact HUB SF
901 Mission St., Ste. 105, San Francisco CA 94103
Map address
Registration Period:
Ms. Nadia Nadine Mufti

Looking for work you love that pays the bills? Wondering how to switch careers once you’ve already started down one path? Wanting to incorporate both social impact and personal meaning into your career? If you've asked yourself any of these questions, join author and facilitator Adam Smiley Poswolsky for a talk on coming alive with your work and creating a purpose-driven career. His book, The Quarter-Life Breakthrough, an Amazon bestseller, shares the stories of many twenty- (and thirty-) somethings who are discovering how to work with purpose (and still pay their rent). Despite struggling with debt, recession, and the jobs crisis, these millennials aren't motivated by money. Rather, they're driven to make the world more compassionate, innovative, and sustainable.  

Just us to learn how to find alignment between your work and your purpose, make meaningful career change, and get paid for who you are and what you believe in!

Adam Smiley Poswolsky is the author of The Quarter-Life Breakthrough, an bestseller and #1 top-rated job-hunting book on Amazon. As director of community engagement for the Hive Global Leaders Program, and previously as director at the Bold Academy, he has inspired professionals and entrepreneurs to find fulfilling work. Poswolsky is a mentor for the StartingBloc Institute for Social Innovation and a facilitator for General Assembly and the Passion Co. He has spoken about finding meaningful work at Fortune 500 companies, international conferences and leadership development programs, and universities and graduate schools. Poswolsky's writing has been published in The Washington Post, Fast Company, Forbes, and GOOD, among others. He previously worked as the special assistant to the director of global operations at the U.S. Peace Corps. He is a graduate of Wesleyan University, and lives in San Francisco.
Event is co-sponsored by the Hive Global Leaders Program. Doors open at 7:00pm, talk starts promptly at 7:30pm.

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Event 16983